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Building a Railroad

Installing the Stanchions


Place the ladder line section on the ground, using marker paint, mark the stanchion location about every 24" - 30" centered between the lattice on the ladder line.  Using a 2" tulip bulb drill. Drill the holes to a depth for about 6 to 8 inches deep. Insert the 1 ¼” PVC pipe, center in  hole.  Using a mixture of 1 part cement and 3 parts sand, pour into hole packing the dry slurry mix into the hole. Using a level to align the stanchion base vertically plumb and level.  The stanchion base should be about 6” from ground level. Leave the slurry mixture about ½” below the top of the hole.  Pour a small amount of water to active the slurry mix. Your stanchion base should set up in a hour or so. The slurry mix is hard enough to secure the stanchion base, but can easily removed if necessary.


Next, cut the 1” PVC tee to width of 3”.  I used a chop saw or table saw, but any safe manner will work. Pending how elevated your layout is, cut 1” PCV pipe so about 4” of pipe will be inserted into the stanchion base. Place 1” PVC Tee on 1” PVC pipe and insert the stainless steel jubilee clamp snugly on the pipe.

Place the completed ladder line assembly over the stanchion base, then install the 1” PVC pipe into the stanchions. Raise the ladder line to the 1” Tees and temporally hold in place with clamps. Once proper position is established, drill ¼” hole through ladder line centered inside the 1” PVC Tee.  Install the 4” x 1/4" carriage bolt and fender washers to secure the ladder line to the stanchion.


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